Sunday 7 August 2011

When Mummy and baby are both sick...

For the last few weeks, Mr Fun & I have both been sick. This weekend, Mr Sociable and Franky have joined in too! With another month of winter to go, here are some things I have found helpful for surviving those days when all I want to do is sleep:

1. Stay home all day & leave everybody in their PJs
Being in my PJs makes me feel warm & comfy - perfect for snuggling up on the couch with sick kids. It also avoids the morning battle of getting Mr Sociable dressed & produces a lot less washing!

Pyjama play

2. Pray that I have the energy to love my kids, even when it's hard
On days when I'm feeling awful, it can be really hard to speak to my kids gently & be patient with them. I pray that God would help me to be gracious to them - even when their behaviour doesn't warrant it, or I don't feel like it!

3. Play low-energy games with the kids 
Even when he's feeling sick, Mr Sociable still wants to play. Sitting on the floor playing cars doesn't require much effort from me, but Mr Sociable still behaves better because he is getting attention. Mr Fun is happy for me just to be near him, while he crawls around on the floor or climbs on me).

 Some favourite cars

4. Do only essential housework
For a few days, I can get by with just organising meals, cleaning the kitchen/dining & doing 1 load of washing a day.

5. Organise the day so that both kids will have sleep/rest at the same time, so I can rest!
Mr Sociable has been having a sleep at 10:30 or 11am for the last couple of weeks. He hasn't noticed that it is so early & I am enjoying the time to rest.

6. If possible, get out in the sunshine
I feel so much better when I'm outside. The kids are happy to play in the backyard (in their PJs) while I sit and have a cup of tea in the sun.

 Outside play (in PJs) 

7. Buy groceries online
So much easier to buy our groceries from the comfort of the couch, rather than taking 2 sick kids to the shops!

I originally posted about this on facebook on 26/7/11. These are some tips added by friends:
* Have early lunch and get everyone to bed early for afternoon sleep! Forget about the normal "rules" regarding limiting TV viewing. Snuggle on the lounge and read lots of books (if your voice is up to it). [Julie]
* Make sure you give everybody a hug and say 'I love you' to them. It's very easy to be cranky when everyone wants a piece of mummy. [Anne]
* Have a pyjama party and eat popcorn while watching a movie together. Order takeaway or get something out of the freezer for dinner. [Deb] 

We tried Deb's pyjama party idea & it was a big hit! Mr Sociable and I enjoyed "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" while Mr Fun had his afternoon sleep.

Do you have any more tips to add? Feel free to comment below. 

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