"Hi!" |
Mr Fun recently turned two years old. He has started to say beautiful things like, "nigh-night, I wu foo" and funny things like "I did gross" (after wiping his nose). He loves singing and dancing. He loves to read books, play dress-ups and ride his bike. He loves dirt, water, cars and trucks. He loves fire engines.
But his greatest love is trains. Every day, he plays with trains first thing in the morning. He often carries a train or two around with him while doing other things. He loves reading books about trains, he loves watching trains, he loves watching Thomas and Chuggington.
Holding onto his precious trains |
So we celebrated his birthday with a train party. We booked a picnic area at the Thomas Train Shed and we provided our own food and activities. The kids had a great time riding on trains, playing playdoh, painting trains and eating (and eating and eating...).
Edward train cake (Edward is engine #2) |
Train ride on Thomas |
Cool biscuits that my sister made |
Painting trains |
Riding with Mummy |
Mr Fun with Grandpa |
Mr Fun with Gran |
Mr Fun with Poh-Poh (waiting for Mummy and
Daddy to finish cleaning up so we could go home...) |
Happy Birthday to my beautiful boy! You bring so much laughter and fun to our family. We love to see you learning new things, growing and discovering the person that God made you to be. We are looking forward to many more hours of playing trains, reading Maisy and riding bikes in the next year.
Love Always,
Happy 2nd Birthday to Me Fun!! What a cool train party! Hope everyone had a great time!
I wu foo. That is so cute :) What a gorgeous age. Rachel xx
#teamIBOT was here
Happy BIrthday!!! Fabulous fabulous day out!!
Happy birthday to your Mr Fun! Looks like you all had a great day!
Happy birthday to Mr Fun! awesome cake! my little girl G is in to trains in a big way too, my train cakes wasn't quite as impressive! x
Happy birthday to Mr Fun. Love the idea of matching the Thomas engine to the age! My Mr. 3 is a Thomas/ train fanatic too.
How awesome that you have a park like that that you can go to! That's a fantastic idea!
Happy Birthday Mr Fun!
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