We went to a wedding yesterday. It was a beautiful garden ceremony, celebrating the great love that the bride and groom have for one-another, and the even greater love that God has for them.
Mr Sociable was a page boy/ring-bearer. He has been excited about this important job for months. We grew his hair (he previously had "rock star hair" - by his choice!). We organised him a suit (thanks Bec!). He looks so cute in that suit!!
Trying on the suit for the first time |
Hanging out before the service |
His favourite haircut - "Rock-star hair"
I was a bit unsure about how he would go - standing still, smiling for photos, "walking" down the aisle, holding onto the ring pillow, etc. But he did a good job! I was really proud of him :) The only "off-script" moment was when he decided to race the flower-girl to the end of the aisle - he wanted to be at the front! But the congregation thought it was funny & Mr Sociable was pleased to get there first!
The flower in his button-hole |
Chatting with the groomsmen before the ceremony |
Deep in conversation |
He started off quite slowly down the aisle |
He ran up to walk next to the flower-girl |
Then overtook her... |
and arrived first, very pleased with himself! |
Mr Sociable, flower-girl, bride & groom |
Pretty nice photo of the 4 of us! |
Mr beautiful boys |
After this beautiful wedding, we dropped the kids at home so that my Mum could babysit while we went to the reception. We had just finished our dessert when we got a phone call from my Mum. Mr Sociable had helped himself to half a bottle of antihistamine!! We rushed home, praying that he would be ok.
Mum had already called Poisons Information and ordered an ambulance. We got home before the ambulance arrived, so we took Mr Sociable to the hospital ourselves. We waited a couple of hours in the chairs & eventually he got a bed. They did a few tests and he found it hard to go back to sleep after that. So, I snuggled next to him in the bed (which meant I got to snatch an hour's sleep too) - poor Franky tried to sleep on a chair. They observed him for a few hours, with a monitor attached to his toe. We saw a Dr about 3:30 and they sent us home just before 4am.
Today we are tired and spending a quiet day at home. We are also thankful - thankful that Mr Sociable is ok, thankful that we have such easy (and free!) access to healthcare, thankful that my Mum looked after the kids this morning so we could sleep in and thankful for my lovely nurse friend who came to be with Mum & Mr Sociable until we got home to take him to the hospital.
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